The Thrive Approach, underpinned by the Thrive-Online program can help you look at the behaviour of the children you teach and get a better understanding of what is going on for them.
- Do you want to find some tried and tested ways to improve attitudes to learning?
- To increase attendance?
- To improve students’ emotional and social skills?
- To improve relationships between peers and between students and staff?
- To produce the evidence of progress in their emotional and social skills?
- To improve and evidence your provision for vulnerable and challenging children?
- To reduce your own stress?
Thrive-Online can help.
You can screen all of the children in a group or class and assess their emotional and social skills against age-related expectations. You can quickly identify those children who need specific support. You can choose from dozens of differentiated strategies to target specific learning targets.
The suggestions are simple, practical and easy to put into action in ordinary classrooms and across school provision. There are suggestions for the curriculum, for 1:1 and small group work. You can print out comprehensive action plans, review children’s progress and get evidence of the improvement of their skills over time.
You can provide OFSTED and other Inspectors with reports of the effectiveness of your provision e.g. pupil premium funding. Parents can be actively involved and experience shows us The Thrive Approach can really contribute to improved relationships with some of your harder-to-reach parents.