We believe passionately in what we do and we are delighted to see the benefits of the Thrive approach working for thousands of children across the UK.

But we never stop looking for ways to improve the programme and the tools, and we listen very closely to feedback from parents and professionals using the approach.

If you’re considering the Thrive Approach, don’t just take our word for it, see some of the feedback below.

What teachers say...

It provides a different way of understanding and being with a child that not only supports them to overcome the difficulties they experience in school, but also gives the teacher practical focused strategies to help achieve this in manageable ways in the classroom.

Area Nurture Group Teacher, Cornwall

As a result of the training we are re-evaluating our nurture facilities and looking at how Thrive could support our SEN framework.

Deputy Head, Devon

The results we got from the Whole Class Screening enabled teachers to plan effectively to meet children’s needs. The results revealed key themes in KS1 & KS2 which have allowed us to have a whole school focus. This has helped develop an effective behaviour policy.

SENCO, Norwich Road Primary School, Thetford

Excellent training - instead of just feeling sorry for the children I can now actually help them emotionally.

Teaching Assistant in a Nuture Group

Having a common language has helped with colleagues.

Teacher, Ilfracombe.

I am more able to attune and validate a child's feelings. The training taught me how the brain effects our emotions.

Teaching Assistant North Devon

The training has made me far more patient and mindful of how other areas in a child's life affect how they react and learn in school and with others.

HLTA, Devon

Providing the opportunity and means for an individual to create is essential to make being and becoming possible.


What parents say...

Thrive has helped my son tremendously. It has given him more confidence and also it has helped to calm him down in difficult situations. I can see a huge difference in him and Thrive keeps him and others safe. He looks forward to his Thrive time.

Parent, East Sussex

I thought I’d lost my boy. The Thrive staff gave him back to us.

Mother, Torbay

What LEA support services and agencies say...

Thanks a million for helping us completely transform practice for our youngsters!

Development Officer and TaMHS Project Lead, Devon County Council

You had an inspired idea when you brought in Thrive... the most innovative strategy for Education I have seen. So excited by it. Great news for integrated service delivery as these targeted children and young people are certainly likely to be in all of our services.

CAMHS Manager, North Devon

In all cases I have been involved in Assessments and met and discussed areas of change with parents. By using Thrive, the tools have created much finer tuned work and helped me aim directly at the Blocks requiring support. It is a very helpful and focused way of working. The conversations, plans, reports and follow ups on each case have been very focused as well and have improved my quality of work. The shared understanding between myself, parents, child and school staff has made me feel supported and my work has been rewarding.

Youth Counsellor and Family Worker, East Sussex

Thank you. It is a real privilege to be involved in such an inspiring project.

Learning Community Training participant, Totnes

The Thrive training tickled my passion for creativity and play - an excellent training programme that has left me feeling soothed and contained at the end of each session.

Primary Mental Health Worker with Children and Family, Torbay

The fact that I was able to co-work this case with key school staff that shared the ‘language’ of the Thrive approach, I believe added to its impact; if I had been working in ‘isolation’, then the Thrive strategies would not have been regularly and consistently repeated by school staff.

Caseworker, East Sussex

I have gained an understanding of theory and scientific evidence in relation to brain development that underpins emotional literacy.

SEAL Coordinator

This is the most valuable training I have ever experienced and I think it is life changing for us as well as the children we work with.

Behaviour and Attendance Consultant